水箱之中 - 家里鬼故事 - 鬼故事网(guigushi.cc)

家里鬼故事 - 水箱之中

2021-06-16 01:03:12 阅读 :


”我就是张松啊。你应该已经知道这个供水房被停用的原因了吧?因为当年在这里杀了我的,就是那个富二代。他躲在监控摄像头的死角里,引诱我走进供水房,然后在里面将我杀死分尸。从那以后,他就一发不可收拾,将这个废弃的供水房当做自己的据点,在里面不断地杀人。现在他借着杀人积累下来的煞气,已经变成不人不鬼的东西了。“ ”张松“用十分轻松的语气这样讲着,好像在讲别人的事情。









”你知道我是谁吗?“中年男人咬牙切齿地说道, ”我就是那个可怜的父亲。“




”最开始是,“中年男人的表情突然狰狞了起来, ”可是我杀了张松之后发现,控制鬼把人弄来,再把他们分尸也挺好玩的,所以就没着急给我儿子报仇。再说,你的室友在死后也告诉我了,其实你也算不上什么无辜之人!“


Introduce:Chaffy dish Lv establishs wave general blood of a dish of duck " " the ground receives chaffy dish in the center, the red of boiling hot splatters below Shang Zhisi, splashed Sun Lei and Zhao Fangyi's face to go up directly. "You are looked at however bit ah, did this ability drink a bottle of beer much? " Sun Lei complains, take out towel of a piece of paper to brush a face. Compare with him, zhao Fangyi criterion " calm " actually he is in a lot of —— all the time be in a daze, did not realize soup juice splashs him face to go up at all. "Brother, how so not happy? " Sun Lei hugs Zhao Fangyi's shoulder, "Say to let you entertain guests do you hate to part with money? " Zhao Fangyi is faltering a little while, ability reluctance say: "Our brother has chaffy dish can how many money ah, have 300 money enough the thing that —— is money far from. " " what thing can that still be? You ran to teach to person husband recently, this work still holds out respect getting a person, also won't be deceived, not much stronger than us? " Zhao Fangyi sighed at a heat, told rise: Zhao Fangyi him plan earns a money of a computer, then he works with respect to the work that seeks family education everywhere. Because his eloquence is pretty good, person poised and graceful, still hold out in the student so welcome. Very fast, his student introduces him his classmate home, let the English of child take lessons after school that he goes to that. Then he came to that family as agreed upon. Only the child's father is in in his home at that time, and the appearance that still should go out on deputy horse. "My son came back a little while, " this father says, "I have a thing to want to go out, wait a little while in your preexistence sitting room. " Zhao Fangyi is stupefied, waveringly otherwise should arrive to avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion outside the door go waiting. The time that can hesitate slightly in him, that father has walked out of the door, "Bang " the ground the door shut one acoustical general. Zhao Fangyi shrinks neck, be forced on the sofa that conscientiously ground takes in the sitting room, the lines of the floor since number comes. This other people raised two cats, and the look that sees that cat wool grow to be arranged again again, what be likely rare breed. But, the action of these two cats is a little unusual however: See it only two crouch sit opposite Zhao Fangyi, head board has regular ground to influence rotational move, resembling is like staring at what thing. Zhao Fangyi is a little flustered, control at once look, but whats are done not have beside him. Those two cats took two steps ahead, as it happens comes to Zhao Fangyi before, abrupt up capriole, two small claw are in in sky after brandish furl is together —— is the cat is in then capture the movement that comes from aerial prey! But, what is there after all before him? Be in at this moment, suddenly a key is inserted into the door

本文标题:水箱之中 - 家里鬼故事


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