死结疙瘩 - 故事大全 - 鬼故事网(guigushi.cc)

故事大全 - 死结疙瘩

2021-06-16 01:07:53 阅读 :
















Introduce:Order order darkness bespread this a covered corridor or walk, cannot see an end, the bulb on ceiling is sending out faint light, a man that wearing white unlined long gown walks unsteadily the ground is going, there is a bottle in the hand, as the body shook many wine to scatter come out. He drank drunkly, suck the piquancy in smooth mouth. Both sides of a covered corridor or walk is plastic door of white, there is a small glass to be able to see only on plastic door inside. In the house, tattered bedding shop is in the ground to be duped to make a bed, it is black above extensive is worn the quilt of glossy, the batt inside the quilt is shown outside. Whole house is a head that is next to completely, they resemble is convict is locked up to be here euqally. relatively at roaming about outer, these hobo already very contented. Pieces of the man is whole face bends over to go up in glass, narrow one's eyes is worn rat small hole is gone to inside look, nod next, detest the ground to knitting brows, go toward another door. He shakes ground of one after another of leisurely of shake from side to side to check, take the last door, the bottle in the hand is empty also, he tosses bottle aside, "Phut " fragment of full ground, the air that suddenly is like lonely of checkmate of a bomb is disturbed. Bottle throws broken sound resound to be in a covered corridor or walk, he lighted a cigarette, suck greatly to be spat heavily next. A lot of night, he cannot fall asleep. Can borrow reluctance of wine strong ability to be asleep only, but little movement can let him,regain consciousness immediately. Here resembles a tremendous graveyard, the sky that belongs to him is sepulchral, should close an eye only he can be buried to rise secretly, the sort of feeling that is buried in earth to choke he always can be experienced deeply when be asleep. He throws half smoke on the ground, spit readily. Strike this one bank note, say what also did not work, he is talking in whispers silently in the heart. He bends over in this a covered corridor or walk on the glass before last house, it is black at the moment, whats cannot see. He scratchs his head, other house calculates did not open the lamp, borrowing moon to also can see individual movie. He exerts all his strength the ground pushs the door, door resembling is was withstood to death to death by what clog, how to push do not push. He bends over to go up in glass again, abrupt, one piece is shedding hematic face to stick another in glass, the eye on that piece of face is being opened greatly, taking endless resentment. Corners of the mouth is being ticked off however laugh, laugh the person is creepily. The man is frightened so that cry, drop sit on the ground, hand shakily draws out skill machine to call the police, desperately in the future climbs. At this moment the lamp in a covered corridor or walk destroyed suddenly, the patient in other house is pulling a body to go, resembling is the corpse that just climbed from cemetery, taking clay to still have dead body smelly. They surround the man into circuit, low head looks at him motionlessly. The man just fears all over ground shakily, dare not look up to also dare be not moved. The police after a few minutes just

本文标题:死结疙瘩 - 故事大全

上一篇:心中有鬼 下一篇:太平间里不太平


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