绝望的新娘 - 长篇鬼故事 - 鬼故事网(guigushi.cc)

长篇鬼故事 - 绝望的新娘

2021-10-26 10:33:50 阅读 :
















Introduce:The undergraduate course on the pasty that the sky drops when, money always is used not quite, accordingly I had done a lot of part-time jobs, for instance family education, sell for instance, still for instance masses actor. Yes, masses actor. That is the most unforgettable experience in my life, after-thought rises to still can quiver all over now, at the same time inner extensive removes distressed. So, the story that next I should tell is I am wiping cold sweat and tear to be narrated at the same time at the same time come out. You believe it may not be a bad idea, be not believed, anyway what I want to say is —— this is very mysterious really. That day, I and a few schoolgirls should be enrolled together into play staff of a teleplay, the move such as the clothes that changes the Republic of China enters the court. Below major case, masses actor is taking a day of 100 pay, the opportunity even look good as result of recieving praise is done not have, so we very loosen, sit in the corner to one is build did not build the ground to talking about a day. Be in this moment, we see far has a few people to carrying bed of a piece of bamboo walks over, there is the woman of red garment of an a suit on the bed, there still is the flax of a white on the face, what act possibly is a body. In the play staff this is to mind not strange thing, but, be assigned personal responsibility for we this group executive director A Peng said faintly: "Saw? To earn eyeball, we film those who use is true dead body this. " " ah —— " a few schoolgirls beside me scream rise, still two schoolgirls had turned even the head goes dare not looking again, only I am full of interest ground to staring at bed of that piece of bamboo. Because my courage is greater,this is not just, because I know patting teleplay is,still must not use true dead body, a Peng is to deceiving people certainly. As expected, a Peng's one's voice in speech just fell, that acts a body actress on bamboo bed turns over rose. A few schoolgirls realize be decieved, blame A Peng malcontently, and A Peng looks at me meaningfully however to say: "Your courage is quite great, come with me, I and you talk about a thing. " the thing that A Peng talks about is extremely big good news to me, he says he discovered what I go up personally to hold temperament alone, want to let me perform the role of a bride in this teleplay. Although show share is not much, but the promotion that pay had very old rate, more important is, I can be unexpectedly in drama look good as result of recieving praise! Which schoolgirl won't reject an occasion that becomes star? Then my excited oversight a lot of things, why should let me for instance a such both neither are beautiful the average college that does not have qualifications and record of service again gives Huang natively, again for instance why so earnest ground lets A Peng I hand over Id, still let me be in " pay of general of break a contact 30 times amerce " signed on the contract. I at that time just am imagining myself to make the appearance of star ceaselessly, a bit is done not have

本文标题:绝望的新娘 - 长篇鬼故事

上一篇:猴子庙杀人歌 下一篇:很抱歉没有了


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